Some short notes about aspects of Summer vs Autumn on Tugur

We would love to publish a brief overview regarding the selection of the best period for Taimen fishing on the river Tugur!
Conditionally, Taimen fishing season can be divided into 2 parts – Summer and Autumn.
Summer season on Tugur seizes the second half of June and the beginning of July.
1. Taimen after spawning is evenly distributed over the river
2. Taimen length 143 - 145 cm with Weigh about 30 - 33 kg
3. Taimen is actively feeding after the spawning period
4. Active fish
5. A large number of takes
6. At the beginning of the season, fish has not seen any artificial tackles yet
7. Fish is active on the surface and all water layers
8. Usually no midge yet in early summer
9. Comfortable water level. But rains and floods are possible

Second half of the season is Autumn period. After one and a half months break, we are back on the river in early September.
1. After the break the fish reacts again to our artificial baits
2. The weight of the fish has grown significantly, Taimen of 143 - 145 cm weighs already 38 - 40 kg, that is heavier than in Summer over 25%!
3. With the abundance of Chum salmon in the river, Taimen slows down with interest in our flies
4. The fish concentrates and accumulates in more predictable places, like pools with deep low water
5. Fishing at the bottom is the most effective method
6. In September, rain floods are possible.
7. In October, cold comes and fishing becomes too risky but very rewarding
8. This is the time for record size Taimen

To answer questions about the effectiveness of fishing, the number of fish caught, etc., I would start by saying that a lot depends on the state of the river. The water level, its transparency and other qualities affect both the state of Taimen and our technical ability to catch it. Weather conditions are unpredictable, so it all depends on our luck.
I would like to once again draw your attention to things that depend on us and which we can influence. We are talking about the technical ability to handle tackle for fishing large flies for huge fish. How well we can fish those tackles directly affect our results.
For example, in June 2018, a group of fly anglers of 4 people caught 44 Taimen in 2 days. From the diaries of another group: 6 taimen per day for each angler. Etc. That is, statistics can be very attractive.
But it must be emphasized once again that the ability to handle heavy tackle is the basis of success. Learn, practice pike fishing in advance, or use the skills and techniques of King salmon fishing. This experience will come in handy on the Tugur River.
The record of season 2021 on the Tugur River - Taimen 54 kg caught on the fly!

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