Rivers Kola and Kitsa are well know for its population of huge salmon, lets talk more about opportunities we have on offer...

Truly large Atlantic salmon is always of interest to anglers from around the world. Unfortunately or fortunately, the chances of catching huge fish are not that great. Here on the Kola Peninsula in Russia and in Scandinavia, there are few suitable rivers with population of really large salmon, and very few rivers where the population is good enough to give a fisherman a chance to succeed. Well, in most places the costs of such pleasure finally buries our plans for success.
Therefore, the options are very limited and we answered the questions of our guests about large salmon rather evasively. We offered in response information, commonly spoken about all well-known destinations. But since there were still guests enquiring about large Atlantic salmon, we became more attentive to this topic.
During our years of work we got to understand that the only program that can be relatively budget-friendly is the trip to Kola river. Organizationally, this option looked very attractive. It could be easily adapted to the wishes of the anglers. But disadvantages like - the low level of service and the public nature of the river in its negative meaning, raised questions from both us and the our guests. It was clear that this was not at all an option for fishing for large salmon that we were asked about.

In 2019, big changes happened on Kola river
Organization of Atlantic salmon fishing on the most demanded part number 3 (Kola 3), which includes the main tributary of the Kola - the Kitsa River changed forever. We have already written about them. The main thing about the changes is the division of Kola 3 and the Kitsa River into separate pools and limiting the number of anglers on them. Now the number of licenses is strictly limited to 16 anglers on the Kola 3 and 12 on the river Kitsa. This makes it possible to streamline the rotation of fishermen on the rivers, while previously the distribution of pools among fishermen was one of the main problems in organizing fishing. Fishing pressure on Kola 3 and Kitsa (Kola 3 and the Kitsa River provide more than 30 km of fly fishing waters), has dropped sharply.
Thus, fishing for large Atlantic salmon on the Kola and Kitsa rivers now looks quite attractive.
Based on the bank of Kola river, this without a doubt one of the best fishing camps on entire Kola Peninsula. Highest standards of service and lodging.
River Kitsa being the main tributary of Kola remained in the shadow of the anglers. The section of the river designated for fly fishing in 2019 makeover, has no roads, no base, or any other infrastructure on its main pools.
The high quality of the river, its unique character and the presence of very large fish certainly interested us. But we feared old problems familiar to us from our past work on Kola before 2019 still present. Inadequate housing of inadequate quality in local villages and unprofessional staff would make work on Kita pointless for us.
Therefore, it was decided to fundamentally change the approach to fishing organization on the Kitsa River. Firstly, we obtained the right to use the entire area on Kitsa for salmon fishing. We have the right to set up and use a fishing camp on the river bank. We have obtained the right to use all licenses for recreational salmon fishing on the Kitsa River. We now have the right to invite fishermen to the Kitsa River on our behalf.

In practice, it looks as following:
15 km of the river is allocated for the organization of salmon fishing trips.
Next season 2022, in the spring, in cooperation with Deer Camp, a Glamping (highest quality tented camp will be installed on the bank of the Kitsa river. Work on its construction is already underway.
Twelve C&R fly fishing licenses are allocated daily and are at our disposal.
Based on this, we can plan fishing trips in advance and invite guests at the best period for them in June-July.
Thus, let me summarize the positive aspects of the new program:
It is not far from the Murmansk airport and does not require time and effort for particluar transfers.
The number of pools on the river is sufficient for both organized groups and individual anglers.
The salmon population in the rivers is subject to annual fluctuations, but the accounting data and catch statistics allow planning work for the future.
Salmon quality and size is outstanding, Atlantic salmon of 25-30 + pounds are the main target here.
The level and quality of service is guaranteed by Deer camp to be at the highest level. Together Deer camp on the Kola River and Glamping on the Kitsa River combine truly great base for fly fishing trips and outdoor recreation.
The price, considering the quality of the offer, is very reasonable.

The main advantage of the Kola / Kitsa fishing program is its exclusivity. The offer is also the only offer for salmon fishing on the Kitsa River.
Deer camp features top-notch double bedroom houses allocated to accommodate our guests. The level of comfort and service can be judged at least by the photographs. The camp is equipped with literally everything you need and ideal for day to day relaxation after long fishing hours. Sauna, huge dining and living rooms, outside terraces and much more. The maximum capacity of the camp is 16 anglers.
Glamping on the Kitsa River consists of 6 2-person superior tents located on the bank of the gorgeous Home Pool. Accommodates up to 12 anglers. There is also a dining room, a shower room and a dryer nearby. The camp is provided with electricity, Wi-Fi, staff includes a cook, workers, guards and guides.
Thus, the New Kola/Kitsa program combines fishing on two rivers and living in two camps, without changing in the costs of the tri. The choice is up to the anglers. If you choose a more comfortable Deer camp, transfer to the Kitsa River will be carried out by all-terrain vehicle (caterpillar) daily to and back.

Details of the fishing program:
The possibility of combining fishing on the Kita and fishing on the Kola (part 3) is an important point in our program. This option can look extremely interesting, especially for those who prefer fishing on the Kola River. By agreement with the Deer camp representatives, you can choose days and pools that are of interest to our anglers. Glamping camp on Kitsa can be used as a lunch place for anglers who chose Deer camp accommodation and as a place of residence for those who to stay in Glamping for a week.
The nature and size of the Kitsa River makes it possible to organize fishing by foot. The camp is located on one of the best beats in the area, Home pool. From here you can fish on both sides of the river upstream and downstream. Guides with boats will take clients to the other side of the river as well. Kitsa also as Kola fishes perfectly from both banks.

As a nice bonus to all our guests, one of the days can be used for explorational fishing trip to the Tipanovka River. Same as on Kola 3 and Kitsa, only our guest can fish Tipanovka river due to exclusively owned rights by Deer camp. The river flows directly into the Barents Sea 60 km east of Murmansk. It flows through a hard-to-reach territory and is spared of any fishing pressure. Delivery to Tipanovka is 20 min by helicopter.
Season on the rivers Kola and Kitsa
The official season usually opens from May 15th. Salmon run very unpredictable, its size and intensity vary literally every day. The speed of movement of salmon along the river usually depends primarily on the water level and its temperature. During the period of high spring water, salmon do not immediately rise to the middle and upper sections of the river, but from the first and second weeks of June, more and more salmon gather in Kola section 3 and enter Kitsa. A good number of fish stop at the good pools in the middle of the Kitsa River. This stretch is used by salmon as a resting place and as a spawning grounds as well. Usually, the second, third and fourth weeks of June are considered to be the top ones in fishing for large fresh Atlantic salmon on Kita and Kola. In July and August, a mass of summer salmon - grilled are added to the herd of large spring fish. Thus, by the end of summer, large spring salmon and silver summer fish will be in our catches.

The salmon fishing season can be roughly divided into 2 parts - Spring - fishing season in high cold water and - Summer - fishing in mid to low water level.
Basically, the choice of fishing technique and tactics does not differ from those on other rivers of the Kola Peninsula and Scandinavia. Consider sinking lines and large flies at the start and small humble flies for fishing near the surface towards the end of summer. There is only one detail that should not be forgotten. The main purpose of arriving anglers to Kitsa and Kola is big fish. Therefore, the choice of tackle, even in the middle of summer, should consider a salmon bite of 30+ pounds. I remember how sorry I felt having a switch rod, standing on the river bank… Of course, Kitsa is not as powerful in nature as Kola, the width of most of the pools for fishing is on average 30-40-60 meters. But taking into account the size of the fish, you need to have a safety margin of the tackle in any week of the season.
Reservations for 2022
We begin our bookings for season 2022 now in August. The upcoming season at Kitsa-Kola will be experimental for us in many ways. We will be glad to meet you and look forward to any suggestions and comments that will help all of us to create a high-quality program for fishing large Atlantic salmon.
More about fishing on Kola 3 here :
Thank you and Tight Lines!
#Kolariver #Giganticsalmons #atlanticsalmon #kolasalmonfishing #pescadelsalmoninRussia #fangvonlachsinRussland #salmonfishingtrip #fishingtrip #penisoladiKola #pesapeninsoladiKola #pescapeninsoladiKola #KolaPeninsula #Kola #KolaPeninsulasalmontour #salmon #kingsalmon #Bigsalmon #salmonfishing #salmonfly #saumonRussie #salmonfishinginRussia #KolaPeninsulasalmontours #seatrout #fiskelax #trout #chavanga #pecheausaumonRussie #fishinglodge #fishing #lovlososuvRusku #flyfishing #pescadesalmonRusia #voyagepeche
Hi there ,
im interested in fishing with you in 2022 , can you send me prices and itinerary please for the summer .
kind Regards Gerwyn Jones