I think that the effectiveness of these two methods depends a lot on the pools you fish.
Fishing a nymph is more detailed, compact and limited in distance. It takes a long time to explore large pools. And if the fish is not tied to the nature of the bottom and the current and can move freely, then the effectiveness of the nymph may be insufficient.
Therefore, the nymph is good where we can accurately read the river, understand the bottom topography and guess the position of the salmon. Usually such places look like tunnels or ditches, washed in the bed by the main flow of the river. There are also pits among the stones on the main stream, in which each fish stops on the way up. Here in such places there is a chance to serve a nymph at the very bottom. Indeed, this becomes relatively effective in extremely cold conditions, when salmon ceases to respond to flies in the water column.

Flies on light plastic tubes work in a completely different way and the way of their application is to search for salmon over a large area.We sometimes managed to successfully catch on wide pools, which served as storage tanks for autumn fish. But where the salmon exactly stays is unknown, especially since it does not stand still, but slowly and, apparently moves throughout the pool. At temperatures close to zero, the fish practically does not react to standard flies. It does not matter their size and color, nor the depth of fly you fish in the water column. The time is coming when you give up and concede. But George (senior guide) found one method that turned out to be suitable and provoked even large salmon to bite.
He found a successful combination of the fly and the way of its presentation. Here it was really possible to speak of luck, since this method was known earlier, but the nature of the fly ideally selected precisely for the coldest time. Firstly - bombing, a rather aggressive cast with a fly hitting the surafce of the water. Secondly, immediate animation of the fly by moving the line. After half a meter of active drift of the fly on the surface, lift the fly and a make a new cast. Thus, you can quickly check a significant area of the pool. The best option is to move the fly under the surface itself, with the formation of a bump on the water. For such a presentation, the best was a light fly on a plastic tube. It stays close to the surface and can be easily lifted from the water for the next cast.
Well, the color. The classic of cold water worked well - a silver body and a blue wing. Other options simply didn't interest the fish.
It is quite possible that in the coming season the opposite will be true, as has been noted on the river more than once. But the very possibility of combining extreme fishing practices is of interest to many anglers.

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