On whole Kola Peninsula, from the first days of October, the temperature of air and water began to fall all over . First days of the week were still comfortable for fishing. Morning frosts were replaced by relatively warm sunny days with a water temperature of 5-6 degrees. The water level was stable high for Autumn standards. The behavior of fish has not changed. But the nights in October are already long and by the morning the water had cooled down to 4 degrees. Now, when choosing tactics for fishing, we had to take into account the daily change in water temperature and the position of the sun. Some parts of the river are irregularly lit by the sun during the day. High forest along the banks obscures part of the river from the world all day long. One gets the impression that the shaded shores remain cold, while the water under the sunlight warms up fairly quickly. Of course, this is a purely subjective sensation, the river is shallow and the water in it is mixed to the same temperature. However, on the illuminated side of the river, salmon were somewhat more active. Perhaps the light stimulated their movement, or a change in the position of the sun forced them to change spots. But perhaps we were just more comfortable to fish on the warm side of the river, in contrast to the summer season, when we want to go into the shade.

The technique of fishing pretty much the same. Attempts to lower the fly closer to the bottom did not give an obvious result. We gradually shifted from fast-flowing pools to calmer and wider stretches. But even here it was difficult to find the best option. Fresh and purple colored fish were taking flies from time to time in every good stretch of the river. The change of the flies also did not bring an objective change in the results. I could only say that in my opinion flies with some blue details in its structure worked better in this conditions. We thought this preference was due to decrease temperature of the water but as we all know its hard to understand fly selection. Snaeldas worked great though most of the time, as always in most river on Kola Peninsula, Russia.
The size of the fish caught at this time surprised by the diversity, we came across some quite small grils and also fish weighing up to 10-12 kg.

By the end of the week, the water temperature dropped to a critical 1.5 - 2.5 degrees. Usually this is the most difficult period of salmon fishing. Fishing become very demanding on the depth and pace of the flies presentation. The presentation of weighted flies to the bottom with the use of sinking or neutral lines and sinking leaders seemed logical. Nevertheless, very often the salmon reacted to the surface flies and sometimes attacked them just when they dropped on the water. This is how the biggest fish of this week weighing about 10 kg was caught.

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