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Chavanga Autumn 2018. Week 01.09 - 08.09

We opened the Autumn season in the wake of an unusually hot and long dry summer. Such anomalous weather was observed not only in Europe but also affected the territory of the Kola Peninsula. Here, the weather also had broken records for the temperature and duration of the dry period.

Therefore, we started the second part of our salmon fishing season with a legitimate concern for the state of the rivers and fish. In reality, the situation was not at all disastrous. The first observation - the water level in the river is not high, but not too low.

Measurements have shown that the water level in the river even exceeds the usual one that we mainly have in the first week of autumn. The second - the water temperature range

d from 14-15 degrees Celsius, which is slightly higher than usual, and the third - the transparency of the water was close to ideal.

So the conditions for fishing salmon during the first week of September were quite acceptable.

The first days of fishing showed that sufficiently large number of fish remained in the river. The previous season was characterized by the entry of an unusually large number of fish. Now all of these fish, accumulated in the river since last autumn, began to prepare for spawning.

Colored salmon actively appeared on the surface of the water at their summer holding spots. They willingly attacked any fly and made up to 80% of all the fish we caught. Literally every pool on the river had plenty colored salmon in it. From time to time it was too easy fishing them ;)

Fresh fish came across much less frequently, although their jumps could be observed periodically throughout the river.

The impression was that the resident fish simply suppressed the number and activity of silver salmon. Perhaps the conditions on the river were not yet comfortable enough for the activity of fresh fish. We were looking forward to the autumn rains, which usually bringing up the water level and stimulate the appearance of fresh fish and its activity in the river.

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