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Rod set up for Kamchatka fishing

Fishing season 2018 in Kamchatka is getting close and closer and i once again want to return to the question of the most appropriate gear and fishing techniques. Of course, we must understand that there are fish completely different in nature and size, therefore, i will talk about the tackles that will give you the most pleasure in fishing rainbow trout, but should cope with salmon and giant kunja (white-spotted char).

Over the past 5 years of fishing in Kamchatka rivers I have made small notes on the results of the most successful anglers.

Here are the tackles you should aim for:

Single hand rod #7

Line 7 F/S and S

Leader 1m Sink

Tippet 0.28

Weighted fly

Single hand rod #8

Line 8 F/S

Leader 1.5m Sink

Tippet 0.28

Big weighted fly

Switch rod #6-7

Line Scandi switch 6-7 F/S

Leader 3m S

Tippet 0.28

Big weighted fly

So, a set that includes a one-handed rod # 7, floating line with a fast sinking end and super fast sinking lader was the most effective for fishing all kinds of fish on the rivers of Kamchatka.

In many respects, this choice is determined by the specific behavior of fish living in the rivers of Kamchatka and the features of the rivers themselves. Pacific salmon almost never rise to the surface, char and large rainbow trout also prefer a fly that moves slowly at the bottom. In many ways, effective fishing is similar to fishing a heavy nymph. Only instead of nymph there is a heavy weighted bright fly a the end of your line.

But, fishing on the surface is super fun in Kamchatka river and we will talk about in the next topic. Thank you!

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