Unfortunately, this issue remains the most popular among fly fishermen. Perhaps every second angler planning a trip to the Kola Peninsula asks us about this. The question is logical, everything is correct, but i would like to point all the aspects in the logical chain of preparation for fishing salmon. And according to my understanding in this logical chain the question of the fly should be the last.

Here is a photo from my old article about flies for salmon fishing, it will demonstrate the evolution of the salmon fly, a change in its effectiveness within one week of fishing. With the changing conditions fishing conditions - first of all level and temperature of the water, the behaviour of the salmon and its reaction to flies change. Photography is a rather graphic demonstration of the transition from large and aggressive flies to delicate and small samples. In order not to go into details, I will simply say that an aggressive presentation of flies requires the use of large and bright flies. With a decrease in the aggressiveness of the salmon, we are forced to reduce the aggressiveness of the presentation, reduce the speed of movement and reduce the size of flies.
Therefore, in my personal opinion, the questions should be arranged in this order:
- What is the expected situation on the river - water level, its temperature and predicted dynamics
- How will the salmon behave in such conditions?
- What presentation of the fly will be most effective?
- What kind of tackle and method (technique) of fishing will provide the greatest degree of such presentation?
- Which fly is best for such a presentation?
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