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The number of salmons and number of bites

Salmon bite is enough objective indication that there is salmon in the river. The more bites, the more fish in the river. Consequently, the smaller the number of bites, the less salmon in the water. Everything seems logical, but it only seems so.

Fresh example from the Chavanga River: one fisherman per week has 65 bites, 36 salmon caught. Another angler at the same time period has only 5 bites, 2 salmon are caught. Are there many fish in the river or not? Is it possible to use the logic of the bite / fish to answer unequivocally the question of the amount of salmon or the average catch?

In my opinion, one can not directly relate the number of bites to the number of fish, so it is impossible to answer these questions correctly. Objective evaluation is more dependent on the ability of the angler, especially on the ability to adapt his skills to specific fishing conditions.

Unfortunately, here again we will have to return to the basics, reasoning about how to read the river, how to take a better position and how to present the fly. These 3 factors will help us to find the right tactics and techniques for fishing.

Briefly about what should be considered:

1. First we think about what natural factors affect the activity and behavior of fish: temperature, transparency and water level, their dynamics, time of day and illumination…..

2. Then we think about the possible position of the fish and choose the place of fishing: places for temporary rest or long parking, rapids or deep calm stretches…..

3. Now we are trying to determine the appropriate method of fishing (wet fly methods, streamer, nymphing or surface fishing) and with the appropriate tackle, casts….

4. We take the best position and apply casting for an effective fly presentation, correcting the direction, speed and level of the fly's movement

5. Now you can talk about a fly that is suitable for such a presentation, its size, color, weight and other properties that seem important to us.

Experience (positive or negative) often comes to us empirically, through trial and error. Evaluation of our knowledge and skills is given to us only through contact with salmon. Of course, much depends on the condition and intentions of the fish. On our part, the presentation of the fly determines what and how we will feel at the moment of contact with the fish and whether we will feel at all.

to be continued

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