The Autumn season on the rivers Chavanga/Strelna is over. I want to remind you that the rivers of the Kola Peninsula that flowing into the white sea have an excellent autumn run of salmon. Some rivers has much higher autumn salmon population then the others and often this population is bigger that the spring and summer ones. It is very important to note that the conditions of the autumn run fish is often way better than of fish that run in the beginning of the season. For many anglers, autumn is the most interesting time for fishing salmon.
From today, we will publish small reports of the past autumn season which has been phenomenal.
Here are the brief notes of the autumn season 2017:
The water level in the river - consistently high, 10-15 cm above the average for this period
The water temperature - stable with a slow drop from 09 to 06 degrees Celsius
Salmon population - the highest from the period 2012 -2017
Fish activity - from medium to high throughout September and October
Fish condition - constant and intensive run of fresh salmon, weight up to 8 kg

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