We have an amazing opportunity to fish Icha river in Kamchatka in August and beginning of September. This period is very special in Kamchatka fishing as end of summer usually the best time to fish many species. Stable weather, comfortable river conditions and improving fishing activity of salmon and of course wild rainbow trout and chars.
It would be very useful and interesting for us to know your opinion and thoughts about fishing these species.
Here are some interesting fishing options that can be organised in our remote camp on the river Icha:
1. Fishing pacific salmon. All those pacific salmons that we know are here. From August to September most of them are in the river, in my opinion the most interesting of them on the fly is Coho (silver salmon). Good fun guys, highly recommended!
2. King salmon in July. This month is the best time to fish legendary king salmon. Fly fishing for this fish is not easy at all, but the size of the fish says it all and worth a try. Average fish size is 5-8 kg, with trophies up to 15 - 18 kg. Some amazing looking parts downstream of the camp are perfect for fly fishing for Kings.
3. Kamchatka's Wild rainbow trout and char. One of the best fishing i have tried in my life. Fishing those rainbows is pure pleasure. Dry fly or streamers up to you, these predators will entertain and amaze you daily. Dolly wardens (char) are here and it also a great fun to fish those guys! Best time mid August to mid September.
4. Fishing White spotted char (Kundzha). I want to point it as a separate option as this is truly unforgettable. They can grow up to 4-5 kg and they are real predators. Try mouse patterns, its fascinating!

Here are some interesting fishing methods i want to point:
fishing rainbows and chars on dry flies. I think may will agree that its one of the most emotional and effective method. White spotted char is highly recommended as a perfect target
fishing trout and char directly from the boat. Some places are not easy to reach from the bank or even impossible to park the boat, so fishing right from the boat is very effective and interesting.
I have recently introduced myself to mouse patterns and it also gave me a lot of fun, watching my fluffy mouse being chased on the surface, ohh what a moment!
Check out our Icha river trip description for more details, see you soon!
Tight lines!

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