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Salmon fishing in Russia, Kola Peninsula. Results of the beginning of 2016

The second and third weeks of June were characterized by a further lowering of the water level in the river and rising water temperatures. This is the usual dynamics of the state of water in June. Salmon, who appeared in a river in autumn, adapted to warm water and bought dark gray, slightly yellowish color. The activity of this fish was not great in the warm water. The largest specimens appear the least activity. Therefore, the main object of fishing at this time was the salmon, which appeared in the river in May and June. These fish are more adapted to the summer water and retain a good reaction to the artificial flies. Sometimes there was a paradoxical reaction of salmon on the high temperature of the water. By the third week in river water temperature reached 22 degrees. Typically, this temperature is accompanied by low activity of salmon. But it is precisely these days were the most productive. It could be noted the increased activity of salmon, which rose out of the sea to the river and good reacted to the bait. Although we must admit that the end of June the average weight of the caught fish steadily declined. The largest specimens were caught by us in the first and second week of June. The third week was characterized by the appearance in the river small male - grils, weighing about 2-2.5 kg. Their appearance usually means the end of the spring salmon run. This year the spring run was finished 2 weeks earlier than usual. In general, there are 3 main factors that influenced the activity of the fish and the impact of salmon fishing in the first part of the season. 1. The unusually early spring, the season has shifted by about 2 weeks in advance 2. High temperature water at a relatively high level of water 3. Low activity of autumn run fish 4. Not a bad activity of spring run and summer salmons 5. The relatively high average weight of fish we caught 6. Quickly change the behavior of salmon, its position in the river and the reaction to the fly. From the curious events of this period, I would like to mention the new case detection of food items in the stomach of caught salmon. The salmon was caught in early June, 10 km from the mouth of the river. It was silver color salmon weighing about 3 kg. Apparently, the fish got into the river from the sea about one or two weeks ago. We could not let her live. With the opening of the stomach we found it about 20 caddis pupae. This finding suggests a selective and sufficiently prolonged salmon feeding on insects. This demonstrates once again that sometimes salmon interested in natural food items. Therefore, we should not ignore the non-traditional methods of salmon fishing, which are often very effective.

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