Kola Peninsula is the last remaining Atlantic Salmon fishing wilderness to be discovered. There were numerous pitfalls for the early pioneers who explored the region however the rewards that waited emboldened the organizers and inspired the followers. When it comes to outstanding fly-fishing rivers for Atlantic Salmon Russia's Kola Peninsula stands head and shoulders above the rest of the world as the ultimate destination for truly outstanding Salmon Fishing. Trip to the Kola Peninsula is not just a Salmon fishermen paradise but at the same time an absolute wilderness retreat.
The average salmon from a typical Kola river may not be as big and heavy, like those salmon running up the mighty Norwegian rivers, but they are plentiful and they are offering great sport. Besides these healthy runs of Atlantic Salmon from the beginning of fishing season in late May, there are beautiful Sea Trout, too, and the big Brown Trout and lovely Arctic Grayling, which are inhabiting these rivers permanently and adding a lot of beauty and joy to the fly-fishing.
Chavanga river
Beautiful river Chavanga located in the southern part of Kola Peninsula. This is a territory of ‘’Belomorska’’ tundra. It runs into the White sea, 60 km to the east from the Varzuga river estuary. Chavanga is a medium sized friendly river. It has a solid run of Atlantic salmon, also offers a great variety of fish such as good size sea and brown trout and grayling. Once you visit Chavanga you fall in love with the river the same day. The fishing territory is 17 km from the estuary to the big waterfall where salmon cant go any futher. We separate the river into three parts.
1st part : 5 km upstream from our lodge on the river bank. Fishing here is very interesting and comfortable. Many productive fishing pools throughout the whole part.
2nd part: 6 km upstream where the 1st part ends. River becomes more flat with many green meadows along the river. Comfortable waiding and many famous fishing pools are right here.
3rd part: 6 km upstream from the end of 2nd part, river changes drastically. Mountains and massive rocks start to appear with every step closer to the big waterfall. Very picturesque and wild territory. Waiding can be tricky here, as there are many deep stream and pools along the river.
Chavanga lodge
Our lodge is 2 min walk from the river offers our guests a great variety of comfort. The lodge is the last house on the outskirt of the Chavanga village. Cottage is designed for 7 guests, local chef will surprise you with daily traditional meals. Dry store, kitchen, sauna (banya), TV etc. will make your stay more pleasant.
General info
Season: from the 15 of May to the 15 of October
Group: from 2 to 7 rods
Fishing: fishing is done by day-to-day plan. Guides will take the guest to the best places along the whole river. Off road vehicle is used to get to the 2nd and 3rd pat of the river
Transportation: Meeting at the Murmansk airport, delivery to the river by a mini-van and off road truck
Ally`s Shrimp, atlantic salmon, Bab`ja, big trout, biggest taimen, biggest trout, char, chavanga, Chawanga, Czawanga, dry fly salmon fishing, fang von lachs in Russland, fChavanga, fiske lax, fur streamer, gigant taimen, grayling, hucho taimen, humpback salmon, Icha river, Kamchatka, Kamchatka Silver salmons, Kamchatka Silver salmons mikiza, Kamchatka fishing, Kamchatka fly fishing, kamchatka rainbow trout, Karymchina river, Kola, Kola Peninsula, Kola Peninsula salmon tours, Kola Peninsula salmon tours. fang von lachs in Russland, Kola river, kola salmon fishing, lChavanga, Lihodeevka, lov lososu v Rusku, mikiza, mouse fly, nymph fishing, nymph salmon fishing, pacific salmon fishing, pêche à la mouche, Pêche au saumon atlantique, peche au saumon Russie, peche salmon, penisola di Kola, penisula di kola, pesa peninsola di Kola, pesca a mosca, pesca de salmon Rusia, pesca del salmon in Russia, pesca peninsola di Kola, pike, Pulonga, rainbow trout, Red Francis, river Plotnikova, river Plotnikova Kamchatka Silver salmons mikiza, russia fishing, Russian invitation, Russian Visa, salmon dry fly, salmon fishing, salmon fishing in Russia, salmon fly, salmone atlantico, saumon, sea trout, Silver salmon, Strelna river, taimen, taimen fishing, taimen fishing in Russia, trout, Varzina, Varzina river, Varzuga, voyage peche
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